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  • in reply to: MP3 Digital dj / mixing … #1171783

      I mix with a behringer bcd3000 and using traktor and it works like a charm 🙂 yeah thers not much beatmatching cos u can just press sync and it syncs the beats and tempos automatically, but i am figuring out how i can route traktor through ableton live and use that as a sampler or also for its many effects 🙂 although traktor comes with a decent lowpass filter and some other ones…

      i cant complain with the bcd3000 its done me well, the only issue is that on slower systems with not much ram and lots of shit running on it, traktor wil stop both decks randomly for a short time and then continue playing… bit annoying! so u need at least 2 GB of ram and decent processor as well..

      in reply to: Downloading music… #1159975

        I download illegally cos its easy and i can get away with it and nobody can stop me haha !!

        although i never download whole albums so if i like lots of tunes by one artist i will most likely buy the album, and as far as im concerned there is too much money being made by artists these days anyway… we can all make music as good if not better than some of these people, yet they are living it up in LA while we are stuck in our dead end jobs trying desperately to get our music heard ! who is with me !!! raaa

        in reply to: Downloading music… #1217846

          I download illegally cos its easy and i can get away with it and nobody can stop me haha !!

          although i never download whole albums so if i like lots of tunes by one artist i will most likely buy the album, and as far as im concerned there is too much money being made by artists these days anyway… we can all make music as good if not better than some of these people, yet they are living it up in LA while we are stuck in our dead end jobs trying desperately to get our music heard ! who is with me !!! raaa

          in reply to: UK : East : New Website For Producers #1218111

            sounds good i’m gonna check it out right now 🙂

            in reply to: UK : East : New Website For Producers #1160241

              sounds good i’m gonna check it out right now 🙂

              in reply to: Hi everyone from essex !! #1173037

                o i got one more question,

                I’m guessing you need landlords consent for use of his land to get a TENS. This is a problem cos i don’t know any of the landlords around here and i am guessing that if i were to ask them if i could throw a party on their land they would not be to happy :S !

                So if i were to throw a party randomly in some woods or something and there were complaints about noise, the cops would go down there and tell me to turn down right ?? im guessing nope 🙁 they wuold probly confiscate n all that jazz am i right?

                in reply to: Hi everyone from essex !! #1173036

                  thanks for all ya help man i feel welcome already 🙂

                  in reply to: Hi everyone from essex !! #1173035

                    k i just read all about it on braintree district council website, £21 not too bad i guess, do i have to keep paying it if i appeal? that would be a bit gay, oh well hopefully they won’t refuse..

                    So about a closure order…they can tell me to stop due to public nuisance right? so if someone complains about the noise the cops will tell shut me down? or tell me turn the music down? and i’m guessing they would want to see my TENS when they got there :crazy_diz

                    Also 1 more thing, if i put on the application that i will have 499 people will that affect their decision you reckon? because i dont want to estimate how many people will turn up and then exceed the limit! u know what i mean?

                    in reply to: Hi everyone from essex !! #1173034

                      Yeah that is fair enough i wouldn’t want too many people if i ever did one, what’s putting me off the idea is that if i took the time n money and got a TENS and started the music and the cops turned up and told us to get lost then it would all be a waste ! maybe i need to look into this thing a bit more

                      in reply to: Hi everyone from essex !! #1173033

                        Hey thanks man 😀 how come its harder round here then? i been reading through the forums and it seems like the councils roudn here are a bit anal about them :S and apparently the land is flat so the sound travels…i remember the rave in chalkney woods a couple of years ago, u could hear it from chapel apparently like a 10 minute drive away lol. although i live in a valley :S dunno how that works.

                        i read about these TENS licenses they sound like a good way of getting to throw a party, but they seem to me like too much of a pain in the arse…

                        maybe i will have to stick to my current free parties in function rooms 🙁

                        in reply to: Hi everyone from essex !! #1173032

                          oo i found it 🙂 ta for that, unfortunately cant rememba my number off by heart lol and myspack is blocked at work x(

                          in reply to: Hi everyone from essex !! #1173031

                            hey thanks for that !! but i looked in the cp i cant find it 🙁 there was a thing saying homepage and i typed it in there already but i dont think that links to it.. :S

                            in reply to: Hi everyone from essex !! #1173030
                              Playground Politics wrote:
                              you got any tunes up, or any mixes to listen to

                              yeah man i got a myspace where i put all my tunes and a youtube as well with some others, got a rmix of the kooks 😀 its myspace/thisisjarvis
                              cheers for all the warm welcomes!!

                              so where is everyone from ??

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